Email your ideas and stories -- Click HERE.​​
​ Make sure you tell us:
* Your first name and last initial
 * Your age
* Where you're from (city, state, country, galaxy)

If we use one in our next book, (and you're the first person to send it in), we'll send you a copy of that book. If we put your idea on the web site, we'll include your name, but no book. And that's all! Check back on the site to see if your questions - and the answers - were posted.
Want to read some secrets people sent us?
Just scroll down. The following page is password protected. Get your copy of Super Secret HIding Places and open to page 32. Click on the red question and type the answer in the password box when it pops up. Don't use capital letters.

What's your story? If you've had hiding success (or failure), share your secrets.