At, we're all about having fun. We are not interested in collecting information about you. We don't want your full name, or your credit card information, or your blood type.
If you are under 13, you must get your parent's or guardian's consent before providing any information.
If you submit a question or story or other feedback, we will remove all identifying information, including your email address. This is how we will post it:
Mark S.
Age 15
New York, NY

If you don't want your name listed, or prefer a nickname
instead, just tell us. We're good at hiding things.

If you submit a secret hiding place that we use in the next book, you are entitled to one free copy of that book, and your name will be listed in the book in the same way as above, if you want. We will notify you through the email address that you used to reach us . If we use your suggestion in the web site but not in the book, you won't get a book. Sorry, but we don't get a lot of books to give away.

We will only use your email address to tell you about Secret Hiding Places news, like our next book, which will be infrequent. If you don't want to get that information, just write to and tell us.

Since we didn't hire a lawyer, none of the above text may cover everything. But we know that if you're here, you're probably a kid. That's why everything we say and do and write is intended for kids to read. And we won't take advantage of kids either. Mark Shulman, the author, writes for children, and his wife Kara is a grade school teacher.
So parents, don't worry. Any parent questions can be directed to
Hopefully, we've put your mind at ease. Thank you for reading my book and visiting my web site.

Privacy, and Other Personal Things