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Our list of exemplary publishers...
+ Annick Press + Barrons + Cartoon Network
+ Chronicle Books + Discovery Channel
+ DK + Dreamworks + Gramercy/Random House
+ Grosset & Dunlap/Penguin + Gullane
+ Houghton Mifflin Harcourt/Fountas & Pinnell
+ Hooked on Phonics + Imagine/Charlesbridge
+ Stanley Kaplan + Little, Brown
+ Marshall Cavendish/Amazon + Marvel Comics
+ McGraw Hill / Brighter Child + Meredith
+ Metro Books/Barnes & Noble
+ National Geographic Kids + Pinwheel + PSS
+ Random House + Roaring Brook/Macmillan
+ Scholastic + Scholastic Book Clubs
+ Seaworld + Simon and Schuster + Sterling
+ Tiger Tales + Tangerine /Scholastic Fairs
+ Time for Kids + Walker Books/Bloomsbury
+ [Your Name Here]
We know these
are good...
We know these
are good...
...We just can't read them.
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