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Our list of exemplary publishers...


+  Annick Press  +  Barrons  +  Cartoon Network 
+  Chronicle Books  +  Discovery Channel 
+  DK + Dreamworks  +  Gramercy/Random House
+  Grosset & Dunlap/Penguin  +  Gullane

+  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt/Fountas & Pinnell

+  Hooked on Phonics  +  Imagine/Charlesbridge

+  Stanley Kaplan  +  Little, Brown
+  Marshall Cavendish/Amazon + Marvel Comics
+ McGraw Hill / Brighter Child + Meredith
  +  Metro Books/Barnes & Noble
+ National Geographic Kids  +  Pinwheel  +  PSS
+  Random House  +  Roaring Brook/Macmillan
+  Scholastic  +  Scholastic Book Clubs
+  Seaworld  +  Simon  and Schuster  +  Sterling
 +  Tiger Tales  +  Tangerine /Scholastic Fairs
+  Time for Kids + Walker Books/Bloomsbury
+  [Your Name Here]

El Zorro Estuto
Gor Din Egen Film
Colourful Illusions Hebrew
Puppet Flamingo
Pierrot le Macareux
Scrawl Mandarin 1mb
We know these
are good...
We know these
are good...
...We just can't    read them.
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